Convert schematic and pcb to SVG with command line?

Is there a way to convert a schematic (and layout) to SVG with kicad in command line?

Not yet. In the nightlies (6.99) STEP output has been hooked up to the command line. Others will follow.

(Or at least I don’t think the others are hooked up yet. cc @marekr)

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I actually quietly added kicad-cli pcb export svg when I added the step stuff.

Schematic is a slightly different adventure…there are issues because the plotting functionality directly manipulates the SCH_FRAME which is bizarre and I don’t understand.


So I can use kicad-cli with nightly version?


Nope - it has been removed from the make list with commit 8176100c a week ago and was never re-added since. Still, I hope it will be available as soon as possible.

Oi, he made a mistake

It’ll be in the next builds

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I installed kicad 6.99 with kicad-nightly-r29704.d06155f6af-x86_64.exe.
And I input below command line to powershell, but I don’t get error nor ppp.svg file.

PS D:> .\ProgramFiles\KiCad\6.99\bin\kicad-cli.exe pcb export svg ppp.kicad_pcb
PS D:>


Try specify -o for output destination. I don’t know what it defaults to heh

I recently implemented schematic plotting in python for EDeA. There are some caveats: the font is different and some styles for the pins and labels are not yet rendered but you can try it out with:

git clone
pip3 install ./edea
python3 -m edea --render example.kicad_sch --output example.svg

I’ve also been using a fairly minimal script that uses KiCad’s python API for plotting boards on kitspace-v2:

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Thanks! I get svg file with:

PS D:> .\ProgramFiles\KiCad\6.99\bin\kicad-cli.exe pcb export svg ppp.kicad_pcb -o ppp.svg

But when I open the ppp.svg file with microsoft edge, I can’t see anything.

@fiveight58 Do you have any copper layers? Otherwise you have to specify the layers using
--layers [list of comma separated layernames]

such as
--layers F.Cu,F.Paste

also special options like
*.Cu,*.Paste, *.SilkS, *.Fab

does it work also for dxf?

Not yet implemented, could be pretty easily

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it would be a nice plus :smiley:

How to specify all layers? I just want to plot all layers of PCB.

I just added a * wildcard. So just do --layers * in the next build


And can you add sch export to svg option?It will be very useful.

Thanks! I will try this.
Does EDeA can convert(import) altium pcbdoc and schdoc to kicad sch and pcb?