Control graphs to be plotted in Eeschema

Hi all.

I would like to know how I can control the nodes and expressions to be plotted inside Eeschema. Without using external ngspice
For example:

.ac dec 100 1 10k
plot v("/vcm")

Is that possible?

No, this is not possible with the ‘plot’ command. Eeschema uses the ngspice shared library which does not have a graphics interface. You may use ‘gnuplot’ instead (after having installed gnuplot).

This would require:

.ac dec 100 1 10k
set controlswait
gnuplot np_tmp v("/vcm")

Another alternative (but now using again external ngspice) would be writing the raw file to a place where you have write access, and then load the raw file with ngspice (and check out the enhanced plot features of ngspice-32).

.ac dec 100 1 10k
set controlswait
write myfile.raw v("/vcm")

The third alternative (you do not want, but just for completeness) is in Eeschema: Tools --> Generate netlist file… --> Spice --> Run Simulator, where you have ngspice installed additionally.

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