When moving the board editor window with an open project, the program works slowly. At the same time, in the task manager, only one thread is loaded at 100%. The video card is loaded at 30-40%. (Specifications of my PC: CPU-R5 5600G, GPU-RTX4060, RAM-32GB 3200mHz) This situation occurs regardless of the computer hardware. Tested on 3 PCs.
Build Info:
Date: Mar 18 2025 03:52:20
wxWidgets: 3.2.6 (wchar_t,wx containers)
Boost: 1.86.0
OCC: 7.8.1
Curl: 8.11.1-DEV
ngspice: 44
Compiler: Visual C++ 1942 without C++ ABI
Lang: ru_RU
Enc: UTF-8
Num: 1 234,5
Encoded кΩ丈: D0BACEA9E4B888 (sys), D0BACEA9E4B888 (utf8)
The situation is the same on different machines, regardless of the video card or processor manufacturer.
as far as I understand this only happens on the win platform?is there a way to speed up the PCB editor? at high magnification the board becomes a little better but at low magnification it is impossible to work hard to hit the right part the crosshair moves jerkily the same with the editor window when dragging
When zooming in it becomes better but for some reason only one core is loaded it is not clear. No complex calculations are performed, the usual crosshair or window movement
Another test board in the example when disabling the visibility of the contact pads everything works quickly the cursor moves without delays when enabling the visibility of the contact pads everything slows down boatcontrol.zip (2.5 MB)
Let’s focus on the DDR board.
Doing a search and replace User.9 → User.2, to make it visible, this hidden layer is a mechanical assembly drawing, showing the front side parts.
How did this get generated, some 3rd party MCAD?
Imported DXF perhaps?
So we have no idea how this was first created. I see this strange mechanical layer with an extreme number of tiny segments and an unusual number of arcs on copper layers under the bga.
Examining the pcb file with a text editor tells you a lot.
The whole thing really looks like a conversion from a commercial ECAD.
the essence of the matter does not change, only one core is loaded with great slowness. Another example is above. I can say for sure that this is not related to the video card drivers or hardware, since the behavior is the same on 4 machines with different hardware
I’ve opened this project in Windows 11 and had no issues with high CPU usage once it was opened or when moving the PCB Layout editor window. I tried it with V9.0.0
When I first read your description it sounded like a Windows issue to me . . . perhaps display driver related.