Are Freecad electronic 3D models the same as kicad's ones?

I just installed the Library addon from the Freecad addon manager.
When I browsed the parts_library directory, I noted that two directories (Electrical Parts and Electronics Parts) are containing .step component files that might be used in pcbnew.
Since I don’t have any fcstd or step viewer, I can’t compare them quickly and easily.
The question: Did anybody already make the job ?

Open FreeCAD and File>open> select the desired .step file to open it. Example of a Compound .step below.

Regarding those models you download - no idea about their compatibility (or dimensional accuracy)… It’s a ‘crap-shoot’ like in the Wild West…

Almost gave answer as BlackCoffe but re-reading your question I think you are looking for a separate viewer that works similar to MATE’s Eye of Mate Image Viewer (other distros have different name) where you can quickly go from image to image without individually loading files. If this is the case I don’t know of that type of viewer used with step files otherwise BlackCoffe’s answer is good. Quick search for step file viewers did turn up lots of choices which may do what you want.

There are several Free viewers (google “Step model viewer” )

I don’t need one but, Gmesh is a node/element mesher (with viewer) that I use for Finite Element Analysis. It’s set as my default .step viewer and produces an unfilled/unsurfaced graphic, below… (not what you want but, info is always good…).

Also, I use Netfab for my 3D stl print model repairs - it also previews .step - also shown…

“Are Freecad electronic 3D models the same as kicad’s ones?”
Short answer: No

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Thanks for your replies.
For the main topic of my question, I will consider that Freecad electrical models are only cosmetics.
About the viewer, I’m not especially looking for one at the moment (I shall add that I’m working with Win 7-64). I already spend a lot of time on internet some months ago, searching CAD format converters and viewers. I ended with nothing very sexy, either payware or not doing what I was needing. Some on-line programs were promising but too slow with my limited upload throughput.
I’m on the learning curve of freecad. It’s a wall compared to kicad’s one! Thanks for your participation to Footprint Using FreeCAD and StepUp - Video Tutorial thread, I learnt a lot.

to mendy and Shack.
thank you. Please refer to my previous message it also replies to yours.

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