Applying a solder mask to the board

I wanted to connect PCBWay support to our conversation, they don’t want to, apparently they don’t consider it necessary (

I will try to present here exactly without changing the text the correspondence and their files:

did they not have any pictures can show?
wait a moneny, I send you all pictures
file.pdf (44.5 KB)
_ _
pls check the file, which one we read your file in our software
our software is CAM350
yes, I read your conversation, when we open your file, all the layers we can open are in the file I just sent you.

Потому что PCB - изготовить по заказу, поэтому нам нужен ваш правильный гербер файл для производства.если файл не правильно, тогда готовые платы не правильно

ok, for us, just 1 problem, in the file has no bottom soldermask layer, do you check the picture file?
our software is workedI do not know how they check the file, but for us without soldermask layer

pls check the bottomsodermask layer, for our software just has this one

the top sodermask layer like this is correct

In Driver_05 bottom mask covers the whole board.
It seems they originally received a bottom mask with only one pad and no bottom copper for that pad.

Remove the project from pcbway and send pcbway a new one. I would also rename the project.

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This is the probable explanation, they wanted to be sure about whether that is what you actually want, because it looks like an error. The advice to resend the project after renaming it is also sound. I suggest you also check the gerbers with another gerber viewer. If you want you may also attach a message saying that they should make it as it is if possible, no questions asked, you take the responsibility.

This is a more general remark: only experience will tell you what might look suspicious to a manufacturer. Sometimes you did a mistake or there was a bug, sometimes you wanted what they see. Sometimes they ask, sometimes they don’t. Each way can go wrong. If you want something that isn’t the most normal case or might look like an error it’s best to tell them beforehand, when you send the gerbers, but only when you get more experience you can know what is worth saying.

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And, by the way, it’s a good idea to add revision number to all your boards, in the copper or the silk layer, and change it before every time it’s sent to a manufacturer. It’s not unheard of that someone manufactures a wrong version after you have sent them a couple of similar looking files.

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Recreated the project as it was renamed, but the problem did not dare … (

bottomsoldermask layer only has textjust as outline

top copper layer and top sodermask are ok

Try Elecrow - haven’t had a problem with them as I ran into trouble with DirtyPCB 4 years ago. Never used any other service since (5-6 boards so far, gerber, protel extensions).

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Maybe it is a nonsense, but whay don’t you also send the edge.cuts layer?

You have drawn the edge layer on Eco2 instead of on Edge.Cuts.
Maybe they are looking for the bottom mask limits?
On the other layers maybe there is no problem because they are not empty.


Thank you for the comments. The boundaries of the Edge.Cuts board have already been adjusted,
but apparently PCBWay work time is over … and did not wait for the result

Wise words.

Your local configuration manager will have an opinion on this, and must be obeyed. Even where I work now, which does not have any configuration control (and is proud of it!) I put a part number and revision letter on the back-side copper of every board I do. But once assigned, I keep the Rev letter constant unless there’s a change to the copper or outline.

It has been over 10 years since I had a design go back-and-forth between me and the fabricator over some issue, before the board was manufactured. I have never bumped the Rev every time I resubmit the fabrication files, unless there was an actual change in the copper. I might consider adding a third parameter - perhaps called “Build #” - and increment it with every re-submission, as well as every re-order of the board.


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Nothing has changed … the problem remains (

Can someone generate that one B.Mask file for my project?
Do not be afraid that there will be the 3rd side of the conflict. This file will be as experimental, if it passes the test then it will already be discussed what is the difference between them)

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