AddNet plugin released


I released my new plugin: AddNet it just allows to create a new net and assign it to an existant pad from within pcbnew (it’s something that I often need to do).
Hope someone find it useful or at least inspiring to create something else.
The repo is located here:

Best regards,


Suggestion: it will help to add some instructions/screenshots or suggested use case to the readme.

It’s not immediately clear to me why adding a net in pcbnew is useful. Do you use it in combination with WireIt plugin to then connect to other things?

That’s nifty.
Did you also see the existing WireIT, that allows Add connection / split / rename ?

Adding nets or swapping pins, is quite useful to have, for tight layouts, or SCH-free designs.

WireIT can already add nets so I think this duplicates a subset of WireIT ?

I’ll add some more info on ReadMe. The use-case is mostly bound to my own PCB making process of course. The main cases of use are the following (assuming an intricate schematics as a basis):

  • I found a missing connection on a board (often caused by a non correcly designed footprint or symbol);
  • I have not a schematics;
  • I performed a number of pin net reassignment and/or change of footprint and I found a missing net;

In such cases getting back to EESchema to fix all this can be painful and non error-free (resulting in repeating the process more than once). Having a chance to create a brand new net at apply it can speed up the board routing I was usually doing this by text editing kicad_pcb file by hand.
Of course, for the sake of the project, I fix all the mess at a certain point (usually at the end of routing).

Did you also see the existing WireIT, that allows Add connection / split / rename ?

Nope … I’ll give it a try.

If you could illustrate its usage as @MitjaN does with his/hers at GitHub would be very nice indeed.

I update ReadMe with a short description of when and how use the tool.

WireIT can already add nets so I think this duplicates a subset of WireIT ?

yes it does.

I’ve had some issues that has had me away for a couple weeks and I’m just catching up. I can make the first post a ‘wiki’ page so that you can update it whenever needed. In terms of the index, how would you classify this plugin?

AddNet allows users to add a net in PCBNEW without need to get back on EESchema.

What happens if the user selects to update the pcb from schematic sometime down the road?

If user build the same connectivity on EESchema (regardless of the name of the net itself) and export it in a new netlist pcbnew will fix everything without any problem. Of course if the user doesn’t fix its schematics prior importing the netlist the new net will be deleted.

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