yesterday i started working with 8.0.0-rc2, all seems fine and i’ve almost finished a simple PCB,
for a planar transformer (here attached), closed KC, commited the work, and closed the shop for the day.
Today a sad beginning: i cannot open the PCB anymore:
opening with a text editor doesn’t show anything overly strange on the file.
Further analisys: any pcb i start with 8.0 seems to work until i save it and reopen.
Can someone try to open the attached file or spot something broken inside?
There are also 4 identical instances of line 1129 (With the same “ki_description”) and that is the first instance of those 4. I can not help with this. I guess it’s time for a bug report on gitlab
Seems like “ki_description” is some internally used name that confuses the parser.
With a different project, I’ve added the “ki_description” field to a footprint, saved the file and it became corrupt. So this seems to be a kicad bug, that it allows to use it as a name using GUI.
I can confirm this also and it’s clearly a bug.
Either the creation of a “ki_description” field shout be disallowed in the first place or the file loading should be corrected.
I think that the problem has been sorted out.
To add an explanation of what happened, it all originates from an error on my side on the of the .kicad_dbl file:
The thing is, you can add the “ki_description” field using GUI operations (Edit footprint > “+” to Add custom field > type “ki_description” as the field name > fill some value) and save file. This causes the file to be unopenable in the way you’ve discovered.
This should be prevented by code.
Yes, but i also suspect that is possible that placement from DB can bypass some of the countermeasures you place in the UI. i added a note to the GH issue to clarify the way i suspect it all happened.