I’ve attached a script to add all footprints within a folder to a board file, not sure if this is the right place to add it but it’s at least pretty useful for testing 3D models
how to use it for linux:
cd to folder with the script
python pretty_to_kicadpcb.py /outputpath/outputname /librarypath/libraryname.pretty/
python pretty_to_kicadpcb.py /home/shack/Diode_testing /home/shack/GIT/Diodes_SMD.pretty/
afterwards you can use the spread option to spread all the footprints
Maui had a similar script but was .bat based pretty_to_kicadpcb.py (3.4 KB)
Hey people
does anybody know what datasheet was used for D_0603, D_0805 and D1206 footprints?
Im having trouble finding some reference material for these footprints in order to make some new models
the ones I found so far:
did some checking, the footprints are from here http://datasheets.avx.com/schottky.pdf
not the models I was hoping to do -.-’
I could probably add an optional pinmark to the concave resistor script to make these models
added a few extra things to my place-all-components-within-a-library-to-a-board scipt pretty_to_kicadpcb.py (3.7 KB)
the input folder needs to end with .pretty
it will add the library name to each component so you can use the “update footprints” option in PCBnew
if this is useable for other purposes it might make sense to add to the kicad-library-utils repo? (@SchrodingersGat)
Hey everybody I got in touch with Freecad main librarian and he agreed to relicense all his models to be compatible with the KiCad library. Also he is going to discuss with the rest of their team regarding relicensing the complete FreeCAD-library.
I have started to pick out which models are useful for us and are aligning and scaling them This one of from FreeCAD-library (I changed the length of the button to make the 3 variations) A PR to our lib has been made
Hey guys the last part of the Capacitors_THT library has now been ported to CQ and a PR has been made for the offical libs. in case some are not aware a new 3D model repo has been made which is gonna replace the old one. The new repo only accepts correctly scaled WRL/STEP pairs, and with the proper material properties for WRL. This means we have the biggest baddest library out there for both realistic renderings and mechanical integration! how awesome is that.
amongst other these libraries has already been fully ported to the new library:
Resistors_SMD (single and arrays)
please note these one were only the ones FULLY ported, alot more models have been made (almost 2000)
Thank you everyone for this great accomplishment!
and a huge thanks to @maui for the generator framework and Stepup tool, which made this change possible
First off, thanks for the awesome work you have done so far!
I’ve been looking for TSOP2-50 model, but I’ve been unable to locate one. Since you seem proceduraly generate your models, and the similarities between TSOP and TSOP2, is there any chance you could generate one (or the whole 24,28,32,40,44,50,54,66 series) ?
I’m sure that requesting models isn’t appreciated (trust me, I’m very grateful for the work you have put in already), and I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t think it would be quite quick for you to do.