Zoom after find


Is there a way to define the zoom level after find (Ctrl+f) component in PCBNew? It’s too big for me. Thanks

As soon as “Find” selects the footprint, either push the mouse-wheel with a finger; or hit some combination of F1/F2, until you have a zoom level that suits your taste.


No, there isn’t a way currently. It’s very annoying to me as well. I typically use the Find function when hand populating boards and sometimes I cannot tell where the component is relative to the rest of the board.

Dale’s suggestion is OK, but press Esc first and do that for 200 components on a board and it gets a little old.

I know this is super old, but I found that using canvas default view, you can set your zoom level and each ctrl+f will take you to the next component at the same zoom level. This does not work in OpenGL mode but if you are placing components on a PCB, it is quite handy. Hopefully this gets added to OpenGL mode.

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thanks for the suggestion, I don’t use legacy canvas often, but I will have in mind.
Also short after I made this question, I discovered the possibility of invoking the part with the ‘T’ shortcut, this makes the placement work more easy even.

There as a list several months ago of features missing from the OpenGL canvas and I don’t remember this being there. Too late for v5, but it should be logged for v6 before legacy gets abandoned

Reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/1751480

FYI this will be in 5.0-rc2 (GAL now behaves like legacy; centering on the item but not changing the zoom level)

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