Zone wont fill up

Been using Kicad versions for a while.
Done many PCBs.
Out of the blue, today, the zone fill wont work.
Restarted PC.
No luck.
Downloaded new version…no luck…
Pl see the unfinished routed pcb. Just focus on the right side small section where routing is all done.
Will appreciate pointing out error I am making now “all of a sudden.”
BIP_CWVM_pcb_forum05102024_5pm.kicad_pro (15.0 KB)

You’ll want to attach an archived project. File->Archive from the main project window

Always state the version you are using. Is there a hatched zone border? If so have you typed b to fill the zone? It’s not automatic on zone creation, that was some versions ago.

Oops: my bad.
I did not define “edge-cut” layer.
Did it now, & zones fill up.
PL IGNORE my request to help on this.

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