Zone filling more coarse?

I have just switched to KiCad 5, and I’m very impressed by it. Previously I was using 4.0.7 and I must admit that it’s quite an improvement in usability, all the annoyances seem gone. Well done, guys! :slight_smile:

Anyway, I have an issue with zone filling, which seems to be “more coarse” than it was in 4.0.7. Let me give you an example: This is a project of mine opened for the first time in V5:

i.e.: it looks exactly as it was in V4, which is what I want it to look like. Now I hit B to refill all the zones (without changing any setting whatsoever), and this is what I get:

How can I get the filling to be as “fine” as in V4?

I can’t see any difference, can you post a close up of small area side by side?

Just look at the OSHW logo in the top right corner.

Yes, and??

But if you can’t be bothered with your own question, then nor can I.

I thought it looked pretty obvious, but here you go, sir:

You talk about fine/coarse which I interpret as resolution. As far as I can tell, they are the same.

What is different is the clearance. Maybe that has changed?


Sorry for using the wrong term, that’s why I had put it between quotes.

OK, now I see. I had to delete all my configuration files during the migration from 4 to 5 or I would have a lot of errors. When I reentered the Design Rules I used values that were different from before.

Fixed, thanks a lot!


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