You know what would be nice? (Regarding hidden pins)

It would be nice if right-clicking on a pin stack would show a pop-up that listed all the component’s pins under the cursor (that will get connected to a wire.)


Sounds good. Move this to the Community > Feature Request Chat category, or put in an issue on Gitlab and get people to thumb up it.

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I opened a Gitlab report.
I can’t figure out how to label it as a feature request, though.

Just write ‘(feature request)’ in front of the title.

No, that’s not recommended, although not forbidden, either. The developers read new issues and give them tags. Small enhancements get ‘wishlist’ status, larger features ‘feature-request’ tag, if I remember correctly.

There are plans to overhaul the pin stacking thing. I think the goal is to draw just one pin, and then add a list of pin numbers to it. I’m not sure of details or time line, but I doubt there would be much interest in creating an intermediate solution for this.