You do not have permission to save to this location

Hi All,

Running 5.1.5-3 on Windows 10.

Whenever I go ‘New Project’ and choose a location in ‘My Documents’ or in ‘One Drive’ it comes up with the error: ‘You do not have permission to save to this location’.

I’ve tried running it in Administrator mode and I still have an issue.

Any help would be much appreciated. Only program I’ve come across with this issue.


I do not understand (end never did) the Windows philosophy of protecting my data against me.
Reading the KiCad documentation for 4.0.x versions (before first installing KiCad) I noticed the information about problems generated by default project file used when opening New Project. If you wonted to set your library list it was saved to that file, but it was protected by Windows against being saved.
My solution was to not install KiCad in “Program Files” directory (which Windows thinks it is their own) but to separate directory “Programy” (that ‘y’ - it is Polish name). I was not sure if for V5 it is still important, but I continue that my ‘tradition’ and all KiCads I install in ‘Programy’. Your posts tells me that it still can be important :slight_smile:
I had never noticed in KiCad any problems with having not permission.
You write about ‘My Documents’ - that is even more surprised than for ‘Program Files’ but I will also never be caught by this as I also don’t use (and never used) the “My Documents” directory (Windows will not be telling me where my files should be :slight_smile: ).
In my case it is probably because I’m old enough and I established my file organisation before Windows 3.11 was born.
I use C: for system and programs and D: for data files. Thanks to that if anything at C: partition is corrupted I can format it and reinstall system not affecting my files at D:.

Using two partitions exactly as you describe is also how i survived decades of Microsoft silliness. Being able to just copy ones backup of the D drive after yet another catastrophe on the c drive was shear giggly pleasure. Then we got a “strong IT” department which introduced “standardization” and partitioning ones drive was no longer permitted. So i started bringing in my macbook to work, found ways to connect to the corporate network and slowly moved everything i worked on to the mac. I left my huge HP notebook on the desk running to keep up the appearance and warm the room in the winter.

But back to the OP’s question; no permissions is unlikely to be a kicad thing. Look at what permissions you have in that folder, possibly store your files somewhere else all together even an external usb drive you know and can control the permissions of.

This question should probably be asked in a windows forum. I’ve been using Kicad since sometime in V4 and have never had this issue. I seem to be able to save a new project anywhere but the program folder and the windows folder.

Might you have installed Kicad under an administrator user name and then were running under a different user name?


Guys stop your windows hate in a thread where somebody asks for help! All you do is fulfil your need to feel superior which is extremely selfish.

@sverzijl i am sorry that nobody seems to be of help here. What you experience could be a bug so you can head over to gitlab and report it. (As this is a new install i guess that the installer did something that is not compatible with your system setup.)

I think at least Piotr offered his solution (good or bad for the OP, I don’t know). And joost told sverzijl to look at the permissions of the folder in question. And a bit of a rant, yes.

I wonder how many participants in this forum use “my documents” or One Drive with Windows? I never use either one, and I wonder whether that might be an answer. My idea is to try putting your data into your own designated folder on your HDD; see if that works. I put all of my own data into my own data folder (it has sub-folders) which is top level on my HDD. If that does not work; indeed check for any permissions associated with that folder.

For so many years I have seen so much stuff out of Microsoft which seems so stupid. I can cite a number of complaints. But then I go to software from other companies and find that (at least in my opinion) it is not any better.

I had offered at least someplace to look.

I am not a windows expert by a long shot. But I know if there are multiple user accounts created, you will not be able to access My Documents of USER1 if you are logged in as USER2

You can see the user accounts if you in windows “File Explorer” you go to:

This PC, Local Disk C: Users

In the above screenshot you can see I have only two accounts mine “John” and “Public”

Regarding the use of My Documents. I use My Documents for all but my data acquisition results. If for no reason but it makes it easy to backup all my data & documents.

What I will not allow is any program that attempts to keep data under the program installation folder.


Please don’t do that, any files you create will be blocked from normal access later

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