Won't allow to draw a line between 2 components

I’ve removed the connector symbol and put two flags : +12V and Earth. Still the err messages.

Is it possible to upgrade the PCB drawing when I change something on the schematic?

You will still need the connector. Otherwise your board will not work.

The stuff between brackets was not meant as a challenge. I clearly stated that removing the connection to the connector will result in a defect pcb. (Unless you replace it with a different power source.)

Did you watch the tutorial series i linked above?

Yes. You need to re export the netlist and import the new netlist into pcb_new.
You might need to play with the settings until you get the required result.

I started watching it. But stopped at the second video. I don’t want to create my own schematics. This is for advanced user. I’m a newbie. :sweat_smile:
Thankfully you and some other are helping because doing a thing in this software is a PITA everytime. :sweat:
I.E. I want to change the width of my line. I should have to right-click, select “set line width” and fill a blanck case with my wanted width value. I’ve done it this week-end but can’t find out how to do it anymore ! :joy:

Next try tomorrow. Have a good night.

Well you already made a schematic. And made some mistakes in it that resulted in problems on the pcb side. So you might want to watch that part a second time :wink:

Might it be that you wanted to say he showed how to make a symbol and you are not interested in that? Understanding how to make a symbol will help you understand a lot of other things as well. (I teach some people at university how to use kicad twice a year. I have learned that starting with the symbol is a quite effective way to go about things. People need to learn what a symbol is before they are able to use them.)

At least in nightly builds you have to end a track with two clicks if it’s not connected. Otherwise it “deletes” the last segment.


I can understand that. In my situation, I just want to use usual symbols, that are quite commons.
I am currently building it on a copper band board (don’t know how it’s named in english).
I’ll start again learning Kicad with a simpel circuit : a connector, a resistor and a LED.
From there I’ll go deeper step by step. Will keep you informed.

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