Wire connection routing algorithm in schematics

Hi Team,

Could you please share more details about the routing algorithm used in kicad schematic editor. When the components are moved around the wire connections between the components stay intact while the wires are redrawn. Please share the details on the logic used to redraw the wires. Is the A* search algorithm the right fit in this regard?

This is a USER forum, and not a DEVELOPER forum.

Wish you luck to find your answer.

There are a few devs here. Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone’s touched that algorithm in ages, so I don’t know if anyone even remembers offhand. I’d encourage you to read the source code to find out, that’s what I’d have to do.

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Problem is Kicad seem to have been written in c++ and I don’t know c++ coding that’s why asked for logic and algorithm.

Even if you don’t know C++ you’ll probably find you can read the algorithm. Nobody here knows it though, so can’t really help you. It was written once a long time ago and never touched again.