Windows switching broken on Mac

Hello everyone,

Not sure if this is the right place to ask here, but let’s see. I reported the behaviour/bug here [osx] Blocking modal windows (#17460) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab but there wasn’t any response and it’s annoying.

Does anyone has the same problem?


I can’t replicate that issue on a similar setup (slightly newer OS). I opened schematic editor, clicked Add Symbol, interacted with that modal window for a bit, then CMD+Tab’d away and back. Returning to KiCad still shows the Symbol Chooser window as expected. I did notice that the display-all-windows button (F3 on the Macbook Pro US keyboard) does not show the modal window, but it correctly comes to the front for me when selecting any of the KiCad main windows.

Are you using multiple displays or something similar that might be adding complication? There’s a long-standing issue where KiCad tries to place modal windows onto other displays that may or may not currently be there: Dual monitors: popup windows are hidden (#13906) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab, though historically that issue has presented differently to your issue.

To be clear, I’m not claiming this isn’t a bug (obviously it is), just that it isn’t a consistent one (which makes it much harder to investigate by the handful of developers who use/develop on Mac). The underlying UX issue of modal windows being frustrating is certainly related to Wish: Raise and focus to the blocking modal window when trying to raise any KiCad window (problem: modal windows lock all windows but are hidden) (#3765) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab, but I think you’re right in pointing out a specific issue on Mac.

Application: KiCad Schematic Editor arm64 on arm64
Version: 8.0.1, release build
Platform: macOS Sonoma Version 14.4.1 (Build 23E224), 64 bit, Little endian, wxMac

Ok, I guess I realised what’s going on. I had enabled the “AltTab” window manager for switching between all windows of all applications via CMD+Tab. Once I disabled it, it’s not possible to switch between windows, but it works for Kicad. Now I’m able to go back and the modal window is on the top. Is there a quick way (maybe a shortcut) between switching the windows and not apps?

And no, I’m using just a one display. On the other hand, once I press F3 for showing all windows and I switch to other app than Kicad and back to schematic with opened modal window it doesn’t work. I’m in the same situation like before. But … the “workaround” works. Once I press CMD+Tab and back, it works.

But at the end, I would say it’s a bug anyway. Because if you read my last comment at the issue it works during debugging session.

On Mac, you can generally switch between windows of the active application with Cmd+Backtick (top left of a US keyboard). That has been inconsistent in KiCad, in my experience.

There are two open issues related to the Cmd+Backtick just… stopping working randomly. I could imagine this might be related to what you’re experiencing? If so, consider giving this issue a thumbs up:

For reference only (another related issue that was closed as a duplicate of the above): Cannot switch between windows with Cmd-` on MacOS (#13614) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab