Window problem longer than screen

When using dual screens, there is a problem that when a window is opened on the other screen, it becomes extremely long.

A window that is longer than the screen is created on another screen.
Then, in order to reduce the window size, I have to manually find the window edges and click several times to reduce it one by one.

I happened to start a threat about this about 2 weeks ago

I don’t know if it is fixable yet? I do hope so. It is kinda a payne.


I updated the KICAD software from 7.0.5 to 7.0.6 yesterday.
And since then, the long screen doesn’t seem to appear.


I have something interesting to report, I think.

I updated Kicad to .6 and the problem happened again. Than I rebooted Kicad and it was gone. So I started experimenting and I know now when it happens.

It happens when the popup window appears on a different monitor. Here you see a popup over the schematic editor. I can open this as often as I want.

If I drag this window to an other screen, close it and open it up again. It will keep expanding still.

I also didn’t notice a line about this ‘feature’ in the .6 release notes.



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