Will ngspice v44 be included in V9?

I’ve just read that ngspice version 44 is available. Will this be included in Kicad V9 (currently RC1 includes V43). Thanks.

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Yes. It‘s not in the master branch yet, but will be included before the final release of V9.

See more detailed answer below.


You aren’t a developer, what makes you so sure?

Strictly speaking this isn’t quite accurate.

There’s no ngspice “in” the master branch - it’s a separate library/application from KiCad and KiCad will work with whichever version is on your system in parallel with KiCad (within reason).

Having said that, on Windows and macOS ngspice is part of the KiCad installation so the KiCad team does control which version is installed and used. Mac nightly builds are already using ngspice 44. I’m not sure about windows.

On Linux, it is not up to KiCad (on most distros); you’ll get the version that your distro provides.


Jon Evans told me on discord.

To clarify what I meant, we were talking on Discord about vcpkg, which affects Windows builds of KiCad only. @gkeeth in this context, there is indeed a ngspice in the branch[1]. Since I don’t control vcpkg updates (I’m mostly not working on Windows) I can’t speak to when vcpkg dependencies get updated (and can’t promise it will be by any particular release), I only meant to say that it would get updated at some point.

[1] vcpkg.json · master · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab


Sorry, for the confusion I was not meaning to cause any ruckus. I suppose on linux it should be fairly straight forward to manually update ngspice?

Anyway, I sort of started to maintain a fork of the vcpkg-registry for windows. It follows the ngspice upstream development and currently points to ngspice 44+ (which is the ngpspice pre-master-45 branch). So, if anyone is interested one can try out more up-to-date versions of ngspice on windows. Lucas Gerads / kicad-vcpkg-registry · GitLab


Yes, when the update is available in your distribution’s package manager you should be able to update easily. (You could also build from source, but that’s not necessary for most users and then you’re really responsible for keeping it updated yourself).


Tell me, has the ancient problem of installing the simulator together with Kicad been solved?

It worked out of the box for me. v8.0.4