22 (cont) found my problem. I was clicking on the left hand icon which is identical (except in function) to the right hand icon I should have been using. So back to noting issues.
“pad in zone” appears to be “pad connections” now
“zone edges” appears to be “outline slope”
and needs to change from “arbitrary” to “H, V, and 45 deg only”
OK brings up a “no layer selected” error box so more is obviously needed.
clicked on gnd in net (which highlighted probably incorrectly!) and then on B.Cu in Layer on the top left which is probably the correct thing to do.then the refill all zones worked.
2 browse brings up the default tutorial1 directory but OK raises a dialog box “Do you want to use a path relative to C:\Users\Owner\Documents\kicad\tutorial1” to which I replied no. An explaination of why or why not that was correct would be useful here for a newbie. I happen to like fully qualified path names but there may be a good reason to have a relative one in this or some case that I don’t know.
That said, the last layer loaded is the only one I can see. Clicking on the right hand menu doesn’t change layers for me (nor does anything else I’ve tried). Ah, right click on the on the
right hand Visibles menu and a dialog box comes up with default “show all layers”. Clicking on
“hide all layers but active” does what is desired (and should be documented here). Looks like
it is a two step procedure. I have to change the layer in the pull down menu on the tool bar then
right click in Visibles and select “hide all layers but active” to get it to change.
3 by default F.Cu, B.Cu, B.SilkS, F.ClikS, B.Mask, F.Mask were selected (foolishly I made changes before thinking and I’m pretty sure it has remembered at least some of my changes even though I canceled and restarted, for instance Edge.Cuts is selected, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t initially).
The question is: is the suggested layer selection still valid? It looks so to me (for instance I don’t think bottom layer silk screens are common, but I could be wrong). Someone knowlegable should probably check the advise is still current.
With that I’m far enough to try a real (if simple) board before looking at autorouting, so I’ll cease bothering you for a while and someone in a private email has pointed me at the documentation folks URL as a more appropriate place for this…