Why not included footprints for simple resistors

Made PCB’s with markers,Inkscape and you name it.It was time to take it a bit more “professional” Tried several Pcb “try-out” designers…But why,just like Kicad (with his wide libraries") doesn’t they have simple simple symbols with Footprints.I started a simple schematic with the generic resistor “R”,a simple “C” and allready stuck.It’s true that not every resistor in the world can be included in the library but common 1/4 -1/2-1 Watt thru hole resistor would be nice.Pretty new to this all,stuck in footprint editor stuff and so on…Can somebody give me advice?Thx.

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read this: How can i assign a footprint to a symbol?
maybe also: What is the difference between footprints and symbols?

The resistors you search are in the Resistor_THT footprint lib (assuming you run version 5)

Just a heads up: There is no standard 1/4 Watt resistor. They vary quite considerably in size depending on the technology used. So go to your favorite distributors website and decide which one to buy. Then with its measurements in hand can you know which footprint to use. (you need the diameter and length of the resistor body in mm.)

Even when you have the correct body measurements you still have a choice to make. Do you want to mount your resistor vertically or horizontally? How far apart to you want the leads to be in the final product? These are all choices nobody but you can make! (This is why there are multiple footprints for the same tht resistor in the lib)

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Thank you Rene_Poschl ,just found out myself,just measured the resistor it’s a DIN207.One step closer,will now read the must read…:heart_eyes:

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The footprint hole diameters even vary with production method, I used to design telephones to be made using Panasert through hole machines. These required a bigger than standard hole.

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