In attached pic I intentionally did not run the trace all the way to pin1 of R2.
Why did DRC’s “List Unconnected” not catch this? Isn’t this what it’s for?
I didn’t run a trace to it in Pcbnew. So what I mean is when the PCB is fab’d there would be no physical connection to this pin on R1.
Not sure it matters, but I don’t see a rat line either. Is it unconnected in the schematic?
Maybe you meant to attach that pad to Vcc, not VCC?
It’s connected in the schematic (see pic). I deleted the ratline in Pcbnew on purpose, and also did not run the trace to the pin.
I’m just trying to learn KiCad so I wanted to know how the DRC works, so when I design my real board I know what classes of errors are detected. Wouldn’t it see both pins on R1 are connected in the schematic and then realize one of those pins is not connected in the PCB layout?
Once again I’m a total newbie
Can you post the project files so we can open them ourselves? It doesn’t seem to be anything secret.
It’s strange. Using the Highlight Net tool shows that the pads do indeed belong to the VCC net, but there are no ratsnest lines. So I don’t know what went wrong. The other thing I note is that when I opened the schematic, it said a diode symbol had to be rescued and also from the names the symbols in your schematic seem to have been rescued before. Did you import a schematic from an older version of KiCad or another EDA program?
So I intentionally deleted the rat’s nest going to the R2 pin. I wanted to know if the PCB DRC will catch such an error. Shouldn’t it?
I was doing this to see what errors the DRC will catch.
And yes, somehow on my Mac when I installed KiCad, the fp-lib-table did not appear, so I got the latest version from GitHub but perhaps it didn’t match my symbols/footprints exactly as GitHub probably has newer modules than the 5.1 release I downloaded.
I’ve never deleted a rats nest line before. I’m not sure what the use of that is (unless it’s supressing vital information). If you leave the rats nest line alone, don’t route between the pads, and then run DRC, does it catch the error?
I believe in v6 you can hide (as opposed to delete) some rats nest lines to declutter the screen.
Ignore this (I would count this as a bug. On 6.00 rc2, if I delete R2 and reload it, the ratsnest appears and the warning)
No it’s not a bug.
There is a VCC plane on B side, which connects R2 pin 1, so the missing track segment is redundant.
The B layer has been hidden.
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