Why can I no longer answer my emails?

I was in the middle of a topic discussion when I sent an answer to a post. It was returned to me with the following message
Your message wasn’t delivered to Replies+6b0b347acaf4a4db9d6eb46ca9bedab@forum.KiCad.info because the address couldn’t be found or is unable to receive mail
I have tried to connect with any of my replies with the same result what is going on? I can not even find my original post to even try to get back to my help. This is the most confusing thing I have ever seen. The software seems to base everything on you can’t get there from here. If you get close to the answer we will just delete the link to your help. Even the helper Discobot. No one can receive mail from you any longer Its almost like you don’t want people to use your EDA and I have no clue why I keep beating a dead horse and trying to fix it. I give up The closer I get the more dumb stuff starts happening and now this I can’t even find the help I was getting. I did not know I should have copied every post and pasted them into word to keep them from never being seen again. Am I the only one that can not see the topic that I posted. Is this the normal on this forum? Do links get lost a lot?

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Not the only one, I thought I had this problem because I authenticated through my Twitter account / handle

@ChrisGammell will have to dig into the technical aspects.

Thanks for letting us know! I can’t imagine how we would have found out if someone hadn’t posted, so I appreciate it.

I think this might be fixed now

Yep, the above was sent by email. @Sillywan, can you try responding by email again?

Thank you again for bringing this to my attention!

Thanks for fixing things so quickly,I have had the worst luck this week. I just can’t wait for monday. It has been an interesting February to say the least. Thank you again for your help.

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