Where is Selection Filter for Silkscreen Items

Found some hits but nothing seemed to work.
I want to Select only SILKSCREEN Items. I tried the various options on the Selection panel Lower Right of the PCB layout but did not find anything. i.e. I would like to “deselect” everything in the filter, and then click a “Silkscreen” item. Is there a way to do this?


If you select Layer Display Options to Dim or Hide you will be able to select only elements at selected layer.

Thanks! Never would have guessed

Such things are not to guess.
It is one of the first information in PCB Editor manual. At page 5 you read:
The layer display mode can be used to simplify the view and focus on a single layer. Items on inactive layers cannot be selected when the nonactive layer display mode is “Dim” or “Hide”.


Thanks for the information Piotr

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