Where is Backside Soldermask?

I setup Pcbnew for a 2 layer board with all THT parts mounted on the frontside only. There is no backside soldermask layer produced (the backside soldermask would be the same as the front side soldermask except for being mirror imaged of course). I submitted my Gerber files to an online Gerber checking sight (out of Australia) and the program came with “Backside soldermask not detected”. I have written a comment to the website but have not gotten anything back as of yet. How do I produce a backside soldermask?

Did you select the creation of back soldermask on gerber export?
Is it possible that the website expects a different file name than the one generated by kicad?
Did you check with a local gerber viewer if there really is no soldermask file generated? If there is a file, does it look ok in the viewer?

Yeah, I found out I had to check the box for the backside soldermask. This changed the definition of the board from “Two layer parts on front side only” to “Custom”. It didn’t ask if the parts were THT, which all of mine are, and must have assumed all the parts were SMT.

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