I’ve been working through the ‘Getting Started’ document, certainly there have been a few changes since it was written but I’ve managed to adapt thus far, some libraries needed adding, some buttons have changed but it’s still useful.
Now I’m at the cvpcb section, which is no-longer a tool from the main menu but I found it and I’m facing issues finding the footprints. LEDV doesn’t seem to be in the default list and 3PIN_6mm isn’t there either. I went hunting for the latter to find it was removed from Divers.pretty a few days ago with a commit message suggesting it went somewhere else … I know not where. Where is it … where’s LEDV?
It might be good if someone went through the getting started guide every 6 months or so to see where things have changed, it is the first point of contact with KiCad for new users such as me and the more slavishly you can follow, the better.