Where Can I Get My PCBs Reviewed?

Not sure if this appropriate to post here but I used to get my boards reviewed at the printed circuit board reddit, but I think my posts get flagged as spam by an auto-moderator anytime I post anything titled “Review Request” or “PCB Review”. I messaged the moderator several times about it but he never answered and just sent me a list of what you can and cannot post under a review for the rules (which I followed btw). Does anyone know of any other sites or recommendations where I can get constructive criticism for my schematics and layouts? Right now I only use EEVblog, which most of the time barely any people respond.

I spent a lot of time when I was getting up to speed. I’m surprised because I remember lots of people commenting on stuff whether they should or not. :wink: One help on any forum is to ditch the default avatar and put up something distinctive so people start recognizing you as an individual.


There have been a bunch of PCB reviews on this forum, and usually the answers and suggestions are the same. Several also have a fully uploaded project, so you can go though such a post, read the comments and compare it with what you see in those projects.


These magic words seem to work better:


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The KiCad discord also occasionally has design review discussion if you use Discord.

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You can post it on Reddit in r/printedcircuitboard (https://reddit.com/r/PrintedCircuitBoard/), there are many knowledgeable people around there. For component level questions you can also ask in r/askelectronics there :smiley:.

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Oh okay I wasn’t sure because I remember someone posted a PCB review request and I remember seeing several comments stating how this forum is used more for issues with the tool itself, not so much project creation but if that’s the case I’ll start posting here.

I used to use Reddit, but then the automoderator started flagging my posts for no reason in the r/PrintedCircuitBoard subreddit so I can’t post reviews anymore. I messaged the mod twice, and both times he really didn’t solve my problem at all.

Didn’t know KiCad had a discord I’ll have to look into that.

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