Where are the PCB Editor configuration stored? (clearances, constraints...)

I was trying to build a script to copy default settings for what concern all the clearances, constraints, text and graphics, track widths.

I found that .kicad_pcb should contain a setup section with all the configuration parameters, but my files don’t have it.

Where is this information stored? Is there a way to create a configuration file that someone can run at the beginning to have a predefined configuration setup?


For general Kicad-settings look at the FAQ: Where are the configuration files (settings, library tables)?

project-settings are stored in the project-directory, in project-file *.kicad_pro
Do you have thought about the use of a empty template project?

Yes I found the PCB settings in the project file. But looking online I found that PCB settings should have been specified in the PCB file.
Can you send any reference about creating a project template? Thanks

But looking online I found that PCB settings should have been specified in the PCB file.

That online-source was maybe written for a older kicad-version. There was a major change from v5 to the newer v6/v7 model.

Can you send any reference about creating a project template?

As I don’t use templates I can’t help with personal experience.
I can only point you to the official manual/documentation: https://docs.kicad.org/
The templates topic got an own section: KiCad | 7.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad
If I look correctly these section covers the usage as well as the creation of templates.

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