Where are the full change logs for KiCad releases?

I’m currently running 5.1.6 on Windows, and would like to install 5.1.10. I found a very brief “release notes” in the blog.

Where could I find a more detailed (release by release) change log so I could see what has changed in the intervening releases and hopefully identify any potential issues in updating?

There is no KiCad V5.10.
You probably meant V5.1.10, but I’m not a big fan of assumptions.

KiCad development is coordinated via:

Over there you can look at each individual git commit, or you can browse through or search the messaging system and issues on gitlab. Here is a list of the closed issues, sorted by the last closed issues:

Thanks for the pointers - yes V5.1.10, I fixed the typo in the original question.

The “list of closed issues” is not as easy to comprehend as a “change log” like this one for Beyond Compare.

If I’m reading correctly, many of these closed issues went into 6.0rc1. I found the filter on milestone, but 5.1.10 was not an option but I could type it in manually. I then looked for a filter for “status: fixed-released” to narrow the list, but I don’t see that. Is there a way to set filters for milestone > 5.1.6 and milestone <= 5.1.10?

It’s easier to just look through commit log for 5.1 branch, it’s not very busy:

The KiCad project does not publish full changelogs on the website in the style of the Beyond Compare one you linked.

There are two views that might be interesting:

First, you can look at the list of closed milestones and open up one you are interested in to see all the issues that were closed against this milestone.

Second, you can use the Compare function to see the commits between two tags. Note that the convention is that the newer tag is the “source” and the older tag is the “target” – if you reverse them, you’ll get an empty comparison. This way you can see all changes, even those that did not close a specific issue.

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