What should I do if it's not a round, oval, or rectangular through hole?

The pcb I’m trying to make should have the same shape as the picture above.
The green combed part is a soldering part, and the middle part is a hole that can fit something in.
How can you implement it like that?

I would combine two oval pads and draw the hole at Edge.Cuts layer.
When in my first KiCad PCB I needed the opening in footprint I have done it later - while designing PCB. But recently I have read that even footprint editor don’t allows to draw at Edge.Cuts, if there are such lines in file they are accepted. So you can draw it at any other layer and then (by text edition) changed their layer. May be there are other work-arounds.
But I have never done it.
If the shape need be exactly as shown - not oval - there are also Custom shapes but I have 0 experience in it.

Tedd, are you taking about a PAD only or the complete PCB shape ? Your description is ambiguous.

Your first task is to contact your intended manufacturer if they can make something like that. And if they can, how much more it costs than the default options plus how they want it communicated.
Only after that ask how you can get the result that they stated they want.


Before asking a manufacturer if they can make it, (and their extra prices for internal routing, which ma vary between 0,0 and too much) I would start with looking at the component itself first. How big is this pad? Is it sufficient if you just use a big round hole?

With dual sided boards the walls of holes usually get plated and solder will wick into it. It also depends on the sort of manufacturing. For high volume reliability of the automated process is extremely important, for home soldering or small batch you just hand solder and fill the hole with solder, whatever size it is.

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This depends on the size. We can’t see your scale here. For example, for normal sized pins the straight line which makes it non-stadium (i.e. the end of the hole isn’t half circle) makes absolutely no difference (and no sense). But if it’s several cm or inches, it’s very different.


You have to tell the size and what you want to put there.


this is dwg pile.
It’s a mounting hole.

Inches, kilometers, yards, nanometers, light years?

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Probably mm because he said footprint and measurements in inches look different, but in the case of mm the drawing is over specified, 0.1mm for the non rounded part? Not doable or very expensive.

@Tedd_YUN you could probably get away with something simpler as suggested above if you definitely want to do this shape, take a look at @maui 's Step-up for Freecad, it can do those kind of shapes in a breeze and export them to KiCad format.

Does the “not doable” come from the difficulty of using a router bit with 0,6mm diameter?
Or are there other factors that I am not aware of?

Yes from the manufacturing point of view, depending on his/her manufacturer, it won’t be able to do it or charge him for it.

See my comment with the screenshot above - this would need diameter ~0.4mm or something like that if done exactly as in the design. I would say the design is overdefined. Maybe two overlapping oval PTH pads would do, and ask the manufacturer if they can do it.

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

It looks as someone assumed that it had to be done with 0,5mm bit and to get 0,6mm it have to be shifted strait of 0,1mm.
In past I didn’t know that I can draw internal openings in PCB by just using lines at Edge.Cuts. I asked the PCB manufacturer. He probably didn’t supposed that I don’t know such basic thing so supposed that I have a problem of drawing the right shape. He suggested that I can just draw wide (2mm bit is standard) lines at any graphic layer and just inform them that it is milling layer. Since then several years we used gm3 layer to specify milling (I used 2mm and 1mm tracks). In fact that method is simpler than constructing ovals ar any other shapes at Edge.Cuts. Also when you just use 2mm tracks you are sure that what you draw can be really done with this one bit (in complicated shape there are no mistakes with too small distances). I use word track for graphic layer as in program I used those times there were no difference between tracks and lines (really I don’t know why KiCad distinguishes tracks from graphic lines).
We send those documentations not only to that one PCB manufacturer but also to our contract manufacturer who ordered PCBs from other manufacturers and never was any problem with it.
So in KiCad using no work-arounds to add Edge.Cuts to footprint I could probably draw the 0.6mm wide lines (or 0.5mm to be precision up to that 0.1mm) at selected graphic layer to get opening for what we are speaking here about. And then just inform manufacturer that this layer is milling layer.

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