What is this purple rectangle/footprint?

This purple rectangle is under my IC (but not quite centered on it). It goes away if I disable the ‘Footprints front’ objects, but is still visible even when I disable all layers. I can’t select it. Is it part of the QFN part?

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Most likely, it is the Locked Item Shadow. You can toggle it’s visibility on the objects tab of the appearance manager.

Also note that locked items can only be selected (and thus manipulated) when the flag for locked items in the Selection Filter is turned on.


Thanks. Yes the component is definitely locked. Any idea why the shadow isn’t centered on the part?

Have you verified that it is actually the locked footprint shadow (by simply turning of those shadows) It’s also possible it’s a filled rectangle on either the margin or F.Courtyard layer. Those have similar colors.

Yes - if I turn off Locked Item Shadow the rectangle disappears.

Experimenting on 8.0.5 rc1 with a similar footprint, if I select it and press “L”, a symmetrical Lock square appears. I cannot get it off centre

The locked shadow makes a box around your pads and courtyard (at least). So maybe your courtyard is not centered?


To me the pads look like they have sharp corners. In v8 QFN 56 footprints have rounded rectangles. Maybe your footprint is older, or comes from some other source? My guess is that it has different kind of pin 1 marker in silkscreen – that would be inside the shadow.

Or the pin 1 mark is making the footprint bigger on two sides.


If the Item Shadow is generated from the pin-1 indicator in addition to the pads that could explain it.

Looks like this is a SnapMagic footprint I downloaded from Digikey.

I took this from the Kicad library. This footprint shows symmetrical shadowing.

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