What is the usage of ' Sync 3d mdels ref timestamps with PCB' in KiCADStepUp

Hi @maui ,

I found a function '‘Sync 3d mdels ref timestamps with PCB’ in KiCADStepUp but I can’t find any usage instruction or usage example for this function.

So could you give me some explaination on this function about how to use it?


the idea under this command is the same you have in pcbnew when you sync a sheet with a pcb referring to Reference number instead of time-stamp.
Here a user case:
if you have deleted a 3d model in pcbnew and then you update the board , the new model will have the same reference but a different time-stamp… then to sync its position in FC you will miss the object because of a different timestamp.
The tool allows you to re-sync a 3d model timestamp searching for the reference instead of the timestamp, and updating the ts in FC file

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