What is the best practice to save my PCB Layout before continuing routing?

Hi, If I have done all the component placements and defined the constraints. I like to save this status before I continue to do routing. What Is the best workflow.
Is there a better way, instead to save the status of the project and roll back?
Thanks for your help. Jakob

Several options, in no particular order:

  1. Save your project, exit KiCad, then copy the project to another directory.
  2. Create an archive of your project in the state you want to preserve (File->Archive Project…).
  3. By default KiCad saves a backup each time you edit, save, and exit. You will find it in the “-backups” folder in the project folder. You can pull out the latest .zip file and save it somewhere out of harms way.
  4. File->Save As… to save the project in its current state to another location for safe keeping.

Use a version control system. Git is probably the most common.

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