What is revision used for, set page size in document information as well as putting name, signature digital and is there courses provide by kiCAD

What is revision used for.
Set page size in document information as it will change every time, can i create my own template to use every time I’m working on circuit, also putting name and signature digitaly on the sheet/s.
And is there any courses provide by kiCAD.


Hello and welcome @Taylor

This FAQ (link at top RH side of every forum page) will help with understanding the Forum.

Many other FAQs will help answer your questions over time.

Revision is for dates and times a project is altered. The main purpose is to keep track of modifications.



There is much on Youtube, but a lot is out of date.
This is a great place to start: https://docs.kicad.org/

Begin with “Introduction” then progress to “Getting started in Kicad” using the Reference Manual “Kicad” and FAQs as needed.
When you have consumed and digested that lot, start on the other three articles on that page.

Any problems please ask away on this forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

A simple search brings up lots of options:

One thing to watch out for is the KiCad version. Some of the courses are for KiCad V4 or V5 and KiCad had a pretty big GUI update for the V6 release. All icons were completely designed new. For some people this makes the older courses unusable, while others adapt more easily.

Any project can be saved as a template, and then be used as a starting point for another project, but creating such a template requires some manual file manipulation and other details.

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