I’m just curious as to what this flag in the latest nightly version is for? Thanks.
It’s the eventual full replacement for the python api
The new “interprocess communication” API which in the future will replace the current python API. This flag switches on the compiled part of the API. For the actual end-user API, see
I haven’t got it working, all I get is the note in the GUI that it should be working, but I don’t know what to do with the socket, the example external python code doesn’t find it.
what did you try and what error did you get?
How much can we assume to be working already if I can run examples\hello.py? As in COMPILING.md · main · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / KiCad API Python Bindings · GitLab. Here’s the result:
(Envi) c:\Development\kicad-python>python examples\hello.py
Not connected to KiCad: Connection refused
At least the bindings exist and can be imported and work in theory. KiCad is running, as in the screenshot. When I check C:\Windows\Temp\kicad, it’s empty. I don’t know how sockets work in Windows and how I can debug them. I have a compiled KiCad here, too, and I can set breakpoints and edit the code if needed in VS.
That’s normal, it’s not a real file.
Well, it should work, but I don’t test on Windows regularly, it’s been a month or so since last time I checked it. I wouldn’t assume anything works right now since nothing has been formally released or announced, but I’ll put it on my list to go check on a Windows machine sometime.
Maybe it’s related to protobuf compiler version mismatch with the kicad build?
@craftyjon It’s because kicad is creating a socket with path:
but the kicad-python example does
return 'ipc://\\.\\pipe\\kicad' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else 'ipc:///tmp/kicad/api.sock'
Ah yeah, the launch standalone stuff hasn’t been fixed for Windows yet after the change to using user-scoped temp dirs. It will work if running an example plugin from inside KiCad.
Nah these don’t have to match
OK, it’s fixed now in kicad-python
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