What are the valid files after crash?

During work on my layout I had a total crash - KiCad was gone.
After that I had two new files in my project folder:

DueUtilityShield_2.kicad_pro  and additionally _autosave-DueUtilityShield_2.kicad_pro
DueUtilityShield_2.kicad_prl  and additionally _autosave-DueUtilityShield_2.kicad_prl

A third one, _autosave-DueUtilityShield_2.kicad_pcb, disappeared automatically when I started KiCad again and loaded the layout - there was some text that something was not ok and if I wanted to load the latest version. After confirming to load the latest version this _autosave-… file disappeared.

The two .kicad_pro files have many differences.
The two .kicad_prl files only have some differences.

What are the valid files to continue my work?

(Win10 16 bit, KiCad 7.0.9 release build)

You can safely discard the extra kicad_prl file

The differences in the kicad_pro file may be important. It is impossible to tell which one you should keep without looking at the files to see the specific things that are different.

If you really take the effort here are the two files:
_autosave-DueUtilityShield_2.kicad_pro (6.7 KB)
DueUtilityShield_2.kicad_pro (10.3 KB)
The _autosave version is 2:45 hours younger.

It looks like the non-autosave version has more data, including netclass assignments. You probably want to keep that one, but there are differences in some of the design rules, so verify your design rules are set the way you want.

When I start KiCad it automatically shows the files for the project I was working on before, i.e. I don’t have to click on the .pro file. Instead I can open the .kicad_pcb file immediately.
The content of what of the two .pro files is used then?

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