Weird glitch, PCB moves in editor

Has anyone else had this happen? Worked on my PCB, saved it, closed KiCad. Next day I open KiCad, and my PCB is in a totally different area on the canvas. Everything is fine on the PCB, but it now is in the lower right corner cutting right into the title block.
This has happened to me twice now.
Anybody else?

Always provide version info.

I am using version 8.0.1 and have not had such a problem so far.

Open Kicad > Help > About Kicad > Top RH corner, click “Copy version”.

Paste directly into thread.

You should not be using V8.0.1 at this moment anymore. Increments in the third digit are bug fix updates, and released approximately once each month. Each month some 70 to 100 bugs get fixed, and the current stable version is V8.0.4, which means you are 3 bug fix updates behind

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Yes, I know that version 8.0.4 is available now.
But I am one of the people who update kicad in versions with new features.

Oh man I’m way behind you all. I’m on 7.0.5 on a Mac running Monterey

Updating for bug fix releases is generally easy quick and painless. On my Linux box I do not even have to do anything. It’s even the other way around, I would have to tell my OS to not update this program when my OS does it’s usual updates. Bug fix updates should (always some reservation, although small) also be safe halfway through a project. If you want to play it really safe then wait one or two weeks, because sometimes *&^%$#@! happens with a bug fix release, and in such a case it’s pulled back and replaced within a few days.

Have you seen the lists of fixed bugs for each release?

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I can understand staying on V7. For example, a mayor release often breaks plugins and it may take months before plugins get updated and work again. Or maybe you are happy with KiCad as is and don’t care much for new features, or you need compatibility with others in a team (in team work, when to update should be coordinated).

But even if you stay on V7, then you should still update to the latest bug fix release which is

Only now I see AI_J is OP.

Indeed, definitely start with updating to V7.0.11. (Or consider V8) There are so many bug fixes in between V7.0.7 and V7.0.11 that nobody is going to look into details unless they are getting paid for it.

With V8.0.4 you probably have more bugs as with V7.0.11 (Each mayor versions introduces a lot of new, but small bugs along with all the new features). The last bug fix update of any mayor version is the most stable.

To decide whether you want to try V8, there are two good sources to get an overview of the new features.
Each mayor version has a Post Vx new features and development news thread on this forum:

And there is an overview of the mayor changes in the release notes of V8.0.0 on KiCad’s own website:

Yes, I follow the list of fixed bugs in each version.