Due to circumstances I re-installed almost everything on my PC, inclusive a fresh Linux Mint 19.3 Xfce.
Then I noticed a small error on the KiCad website for installing on Linux Mint.
According to https://www.kicad.org/download/linux-mint/ “ppa:js-reynaud/kicad-5.1” must be added via the “Software manager”, but that text must be: “Update Manager”, which is a different program. See screenshots below.
I suggest you make an issue about that over on the website repo. I think it is still managed on github which would mean you can find it here: https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-website/issues
Or you could go a step further and create a pull request with the required correction (optional).
I was sort of thinking of this myself after my post.
About 2 weeks ago I started working on “Getting started in KiCad”, forked documentation, learning a bit of asciidoc, git and miscellaneous stuff when I *&^%$#@! my PC. Trying to make my first pull request out of this seems like a good idea. It will probably take me a few weeks before I’m completely up and running again though…
I think the plan was to switch to gitlab together with the source code. But as we on the library side discovered it is much easier said than done. And as github is basically the same (feature wise) anyway there is little need to switch.