Warning Both VDD1 and VDD2 are attached to the same item, VDD1 will be used in the netlist

MouseV1.zip (967.0 KB)
I’ve looked over the schematic multiple times and even removed the capacitors connected to the switch but it still gives the warning. I copied this schematic mostly off of the pwm 3360 datasheet. Any Ideas appreciated.

I have never done a hierarchal schematic (is this one?) I got errors if I did not unzip your .sch files in addition to “mouseV1”, but I see them connected together here.

I just did a text search of VDD1 to find this page. This page is called “3.3V capacitor filter”.

BobZ found it. A somewhat confusing schematic with both global labels and subsheets intertwined.
I’ve no idea what a “pwm 3360” is.
The trick is to use “Net_Tie” or “NetTie_2” depending on KiCAD version.

Thanks. Maybe if I knew more it would have been more difficult? :crazy_face:

Nah. But it’s easy to run into this kind of issue when creating “label schematics”. Both for the creator and for the reader.

Yeah, the schematic showed the different VDD like this. They are connected together but why doesn’t VDD 4 give out the same error as 1 and 2? I am new to pcb design, so I just assumed that the capacitors on different branches were important, maybe I could just wire everything to one VDD.

The warning is only reported once per net. If you had retained the 0R resistors in the original schematic, you would not get this ERC warning. Better find out what the intent of the 0R resistors and multiple power rails was.

Cheers, thank you so much!

Is that what someone else on this forum once called a “graphical netlist”?

aka “NetTie_2”. :slight_smile:

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That’s one name. I have a longer list not suitable for public use.

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A suggestion:
Instead of having pages and pages of little bits of a schematic, a worthwhile practice is to place the whole schematic (if possible) on one page and join all the bits with wires instead of labels. This makes fault finding the schematic and checking the PCB much easier. It also saves a lot of time flitting from one page to another.

Another trick, if you have a very large schematic, is to change your page size to A3 from your current A4.

If you decide to try laying out a schematic on a single sheet, try, where possible, to lay it out as you would see in a book. Inputs to the left of the page and outputs to the right. +Volts at the top and Gnd. at the bottom.

I had a boss who would draw ground symbols pointing in all 4 directions. I never liked that…

Yes. With some ICs I end up mirroring the symbol in order to make it properly disoriented.

So you had a porblem telling him where to go? :wink:

Your question is grounded in friction.

Hmmmm, too much Christmas spirit?

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True story: A pastor was once gifted a bottle of cherry brandy and challenged to acknowledge the gift next sermon. He came up with these words: I would like to thank Mr ___ for the gift of cherries and the spirit they were given in. :rofl:

Ok, maybe it’s time for the spirits to move on.


The only downside is the Nettie is an item on the layout.
Having net aliases might help