Is there any way to view only one layer during layout phase? For example, when I am doing layout in the back Cu, I don’t want to see the components in the front Cu side, for the sake of my eyes. Any way to hide that layer?
I tried unchecking other layers in the visibility column but that doesn’t help.
@lilyhack, what did you mean by “that doesn’t help”? Was you be able to hide other layers? What did you do exactly?
Because hiding layers works well in kicad in all the versions I know.
The “Layer” options for F.Cu and B.Cu only hide elements drawn on that layer i.e. tracks and fills. To hide component pads as well you need to go into the render tab and un-tick “Pads Front” or “Pads Back” as well. You may also want to un-tick “Text Front” or “Text Back” as these are handled separately from silk screen as well.