Via stitching shows invisible text

I know I’m not the first to ask this question but I couldn’t find an answer that applies to me. I want to stitch two copper pours on different layers together but the REF text shows up as shown in the screenshot. I have set this text to be “invisible” on the footprint editor but it shows anyways. I have read from some people that you have to ask for not displaying invisible text from some “render” menu, but that doesn’t seem to exist in my 4.0.1 version. Any comments?

Right side of the screen. There’s the layers tab and the one you need.

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Tank you all, the support is exceptional here! First time using kicad. In fact, first time I use a PCB software in 20 years. Last time was OrcadPCB version 1996. Kicad is so much superior, in particular the interactive router. Keep up the good work!