I installed the “Via stitching” plugin from GitHub - jsreynaud/kicad-action-scripts: Some KiCad plugins in Python
I was impressed by how easy it is to use and its potential to simplify the time-consuming task of placing stitching vias!
However there seem to be some issues … and I am wondering if there are any workarounds?
The following shows the PCB before using the tool.
Note that there are no ground islands below the traces at the left below the 3-pin connector.
This results from the fact that the Remove Islands is set to ‘Always’ in the Kicad settings for the zone.
However, after using the Via stitching tool, islands are created together with vias on those islands which violate clearances in the DRC, as illustrated below.
There are also edge clearance violations, at least along the top edge of the PCB, as can also be seen in the preceding graphic.
I could understand that some manual positioning ‘adjustments’ could be necessary after using such a tool.
However, the (in my case) 1,697 vias (!) all behave as a single ‘Stitching group’ - so if an attempt is made to move one, all the others also move at the same time
Equally, if an attempt is made to delete one of the vias then all 1,697 are deleted
The parameters used are as follows:
I tried changing some values, e.g., increasing the via clearance from 0.2 to 0.45mm.
That made no difference apart from reducing the number of vias placed slightly. The large number of clearance violation errors remain
The clearance for the ‘Chassis’ ground fill is set to 0.2mm (the fill is on both the front and back of a 2-layer board, occupying the same position).
Are there any workarounds to these issues?
Is there any way to split the generated ‘Stitching group’ into 1,697 individual vias?
The issue is serious since, as mentioned above, there seems to be no way to delete or reposition particular vias.
There are 116 errors in the DRC - even if just one error were to remain (after possible hacks … zone repositionings, or whatever, …), the complete result would need to be discarded.
Consequently, the tool appears to have little or no utility, at least in this application