Via stitching in KiCad 9

I upgraded to KiCad 9 and the kicad-action-scripts plugin providing via stitching which I’ve used for quite a while cannot be installed.

That begs the question: How to do via stitching in KiCAD 9? Meaning, automatically place a bunch of vias to connect the GND planes? Is there maybe native support?

Version: 9.0.0+1, release build

Did you try the RF-utils addon? I think it also has via stitching

I just gave it a try. It has via fencing which doesn’t seem to be quite the same. It does indeed fence a single track, but when I select a zone instead, it doesn’t fill the zone with vias and instead gives “Placed 0 Fencing Vias.”

I’m not sure if I’m using it wrong or if it’s the wrong tool for the job.

via fencing and via stitching are different tools

I just checked and native via stitching doesn’t seem to be supported in KiCAD 9, although there seems to be demand, judging from the number of upvotes. As of today it’s the 7th most popular feature request in KiCad.