Via stitching before copper fill

I need via’s to connect ground planes across different layers. I am using the method mentioned in this forum to via stitch.

When I do via stitch and then fill copper then the via’s are not connected to the copper pour.

If I stitch the via’s after copper pour, the via’s appear correctly but after copper pour I can’t see the bottom layer traces to place via’s without disturbing them.

Is there a way out?

I’m assuming when you say “the method mentioned in this forum” you’re talking about the pro tip where you make a via footprint.

In that case, are you sure you set the net of the via footprint to that of the copper pour? It seems like you have not done this.

I’m having a little bit of trouble understanding the second part of your post. Verify that the net of the via footprint is correct first. :slight_smile:

Yes you are correct, the net name is empty. Is there a way to set a default net name like GND when creating the footprint itself- the net name field is non editable inside the footprint, or else I have to create the arrays on the board level rather than as a footprint - which is not a big deal. I have now got this working as intended.

What I meant in my second part is, the same via - without net name - when I place the via foot print after I do a “b” on the layers - they appear like the via’s on the right in the image below, I probably mistook them that they are connected across layers.

I have corrected the mistakes, now I have lot of via’s. However when I see the board using 3D viewer the via’s added in this fashion appear as pads - i.e there is no hole through them

Is this normal, even the counter on the bottom screen is counting them as PADS and not as via’s.

Do I need to do anything else?

Are those PTHs or just round pads on one layer?

They appear as SMD pads on the 3d viewer, it appears on the bottom layer as a pad as well. Other via’s appear as via’s in 3d viewer. I am having 4 layers.

As far as the footprint is concerned, I have created it as a throughole as mentioned in the Protip

Even the created footprint is showing that it has 1 PAD and 0 Via’s at the bottom

Update: The Drill file is having the holes, so I guess its just the 3D viewer is not able to resolve the hack

With reference to the missing holes in 3D viewer - I had to enable this Preferences->Render Options->Show Holes in Zones - now all is well I can see the holes after copper pour as well on the 3D viewer