Values and Multi-Part Symbols

Why do I have to have the same value for multi-part symbols? For example if you have a multigang potentiometer with different value pots in the same part it would be nice to have the appropriate (and different) values in-front of the correct parts.

For the records, ‘parts are identical’ is unchecked in the symbol library.

EEschema framework is a couple years old by now… it’s being worked on to be better, but won’t make it for the v5 update I think.
A lot more should be possible once that’s here.

Can you hop over to the bugtracker and maybe even the dev mailing list and search/check if this has been thought of already and add it if it hasn’t? (search for wishlist item)

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If you just want this as a visual description, you can “add text to component body”,

and show a different value per unit.

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Just to add to this idea:
This text field is not editable outside the library editor. Neither the text itself nor the position of the text can be changed from within the schematic.

This means you need one symbol for each differing component. (probably for each order number)

That would be a proper use of the atomic part idea.

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