V8_0 not picking up net directives

I think I have all the right boxes checked. It ignores net width and clearence. The design began in version 7

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy

My crystal ball says: your Kicad installation is cursed. This is a clear sign that you should take 1 month vacation.

We can’t really help without much much more related information. The best is to attach the project (as zipped archive from kicad main manager–>File–>archive project).

Some things we have already seen on this forum (this list contains only the first reasons I remember and is by far not exhaustive):

  • confusing simple nets with differential pair nets. They have different netclass settings
  • override the netclass settings from custom rules
  • the global pcb constraints are more tight than the netclass constraints
  • false writing of the netclass strings
  • forgetten to update pcb from schematic, so the netclass assignments for some nets/tracks are not transferred to the pcb
  • false netclass assignments (false use of wildcards in the assignment strings in the netclass dialog)

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