V6 workflow for creating pads from vector graphics


I did find a few threads on this topic, but none of them were specific to v6, and I think a few things changed. …I think I have done this before in v5, but i don’t really remember how…

What’s the best workflow for creating (SMD) pads from imported vector graphics?
I would like to avoid using freeCAD for this.

I can import a svg or dxf, put the same shape on the mask and copper layer and just put them on top of an smd pad…but it feels like there must be a better way to do this ( and this might confuse the rule check…)

Thank You!

but it feels like there must be a better way to do this

I think you are already 90% right. my complete workflow (only used for real difficult shapes):

  • create pad-shape as dxf (used software: QCAD). Only use lines+arcs+ellipses for drawing. Be sure to draw a completely closed shape. Check for unwanted zero-length-linesegments. Be sure to draw only one outline, not two concentric lines.
  • in kicad footprint editor: prepare the “special pad” with an already named smd-pad with correct pad-number
  • import dxf-file, ungroup imported shape, select all imported lines and “Create Polygon From Selection”.
  • delete the original imported shape, leaving the polygon alone
  • change polygon-layer to F.copper, set filled-checkbox
  • select prepared Pad, RMB-click–>context-menu–>Edit Pad as graphic shapes
  • the FP-editor changes into a special “pad editing mode”. See the yellow info-warning-message at top of screen.
  • move the imported polygon on top of the Pad.
  • end the special “pad editing mode” with another right-click–>context-menu–>“finish Pad editing mode”. The original pad and the shape on top of that are combined into one irregular shaped Pad.
  • The irregular shaped Pad is respected with DRC-rule-checker.

Thank You!
This worked great.

I found out that some steps can be omitted if you import the graphics as a SVG because then shapes that have 0.0mm (‘hairline’) width will already be filled in KiCAD.
This is how i do it:

set line width to 0.0 in Inkscape → Import yourfile.svg in kicad → place small SMD pad on top of graphics → right click-‘Edit Pad as Graphic Shapes’ → exit pad editing mode

In my case this made sense because I was using Inkscape an an intermediary step anyways…so depending on your export options this might or might not save some time.

Using the SVG import it seems like i can throw anything at it, bezier-curves, vectorized text etc.
internal holes will be ignored. I can even import multiple shapes in one file and and then add the pads.


IIRC this has been fixed in the development version.

EDIT: SVG import does not process holes in polygons correctly (#6739) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab, and it looks like it should be fixed also in the latest 6.0.x. Do you have the latest one?

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nice! -I wasn’t sure if this was intentional…but internal holes might be usefull for niche applications like capacative touch pads, weird mems microphone footprints or just for graphics-stuff…

no, I tested this on 6.0.2 - will upgrade to 6.0.4 ASAP!

I tested it in 6.0.4 and can confirm that internal holes work just fine now :partying_face:.

SVG features like linecaps and dashed lines don’t work, but this is expected as those are features that as far as i know lines in KiCand can’t have. …but that’s fine because one can just convert them into filled shapes before import.

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