V5,eeschema issue

Hi,I have created schematic by Kicad V4, opened it by V5, it occured issue,


I thought that it can not discern library symbol,



and save file, it will occur issue,

What can I do?

Well most of the symbols you have probably just moved to new locations in the library… I only had a couple that din’t automatically update like yours.

You can just update the symbol to the new name… make a backup of your whole project first of course.

I imagine a kicad developer may have a better suggestion (I think there is a tool that is supposed to help remap) but I’m not sure if it will fix it all.

I have done the same a month ago and got the effect that some elements were looking good and some like in your exaple. I reported a bug:

Not sure what is your problem but in my case all lost elements were those with ‘/’ char in their name (like capacitors 10u/16, terminal blocks ETB34/2,…).
When you read the bug you will find that ‘/’ and some other charcters are now not accepted if used in element names (they will be probably accepted in V6).
I have changed ‘/’ in all my libraries and schematic to ‘_’ and had no problem with opening my V4 schematic in V5 (sone nigtly version just before stable V5 release - I did’t got stable V5 yet).

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When you opened the schematic, it should have prompted you to re-map the symbols. Did you do this?

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In my screenshot there why it is greyed out? because it knows all my symbols are already mapped?

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