Power port text automatically shifts when the port is placed, resulting in wasted SCH sheet space.
Using the default GND port, the text initially appears to be located in an efficient manner, until the part is placed, and then the text always shifts down to the next lower 0.1" increment.
The port in the library editor looks to be well designed, with the text shown at the desired position. Library:
After placement:
Changing the grid setting does not seem to change the result.
Is there a procedure or setting that would avoid this?
I don’t know if this will solve your issue, but try playing with the options in Preferences -> Schematic Editor -> Editing Options -> Symbol Field Automatic Placement.
Specifically, try unchecking “always align autoplaced fields to the 50mil grid”
Unchecking “always align autoplaced fields to the 50mil grid” results in a different outcome, but not what one would expect.
The net text is now closer, but not like how the library component is created. The library component has the text as center/center justification and at -150mil (according to the library text diaglog).
Once the power port is placed, the text seems to take on a strange offset, and placed at the next increment of -0.1", no matter what the SCH grid setting is.
Notice how in this image the text is closer, but not at the distance as specified in the default power library.
Once you’re obligated to take the Red Pill (like with high voltage or galvanically isolated designs), then you come to realize that like the spoon, there is No Ground.
Creating and controlling ground currents becomes an enlightening (hehe) experience, and is worth considering for every design.
By the way, I’ve created a python script that generates the necessary library code for constructing a series of power and ground ports, given a list of names (like +3V3, 2V5, 5V, 10V, 12V, GND, NotGND, RedPillGND, etc).
You can then paste the code into your own power port library.
This allows me to match our current SCH designs, and their style, with KiCad.
Let me know if you’re a pythoner, and are interested.