V5.99 cannot start simulation in eeschema

Hi there,

I’m trying to start the simulator of a schema. I’m on MacOsX and I stumble against this error messages:

warning : Missing ngspice shared library
Error loading editor. Missing ngspice shared library
Failed to load shared library ‘libngspice.dylib’: dlopen(libngspice.dylib, 2): no suitable image found. Did find:
file system relative paths not allowed in hardened programs

Do I need to setup something?

Where (and when) did you download KiCad ?

A missing libngspice.dylib denotes a problem in the KiCad package.

kicad-unified-20210909-020832-fe608bfcef and then updated to kicad-unified-20210911-021332-ad59254be8, same result. Downloaded from https://downloads.kicad.org/kicad/macos/explore/nightlies.

I have got the same response.

Best is if you submit a bug report at https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad/-/issues

Ok, thanks for trying. Reported the issue.

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