I usually use KiCad on Windows but I’m using KiCad 5.99 in a Ubuntu VM. The Mouser Library Loader which I use a lot, only runs on Windows.
I added the SamacSys symbol and footprint libraries to 5.99 and I’m using them without a problem.
However, the SamacSys 3D models won’t display. All the SamacSys footprint kicad_mod files contain a Windows link like this:
(model “M:\Electronics\PCB Design\KiCad\library\SamacSys_Parts.3dshapes\3362P-1-102LF.stp”
So, I created an Environment Variable SAMACSYS_3DMODEL_DIR set to /home/ubuntu/Documents/Kicad/library/SamacSys_Parts.3dshapes
and changed the line in the kicad_mod file to
(model ${SAMACSYS_3DMODEL_DIR}/3362P-1-102LF.stp
If I click on the footprint “3D-Shape: {SAMACSYS_3DMODEL_DIR}/3362P-1-102LF.stp” is displayed at the bottom of the PCB Editor.
Still no 3D image of the component in the 3D viewer.
Is there something I’m missing or have done incorrectly?
If I can get this to work I’ll need to change a whole bunch of SamacSys kicad_mod files. I’m sure there’s a way of doing that in Linux with a script.